Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Essential Question

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Campagne Letter
The Honorable Jose Serrano
Bronx Office
788 Southern Boulevard
Bronx, NY 10455
Dear Congressman Serrano,
I would like to say that there should be something done about the poor working conditions of factory workers in the U.S. The reason why is because back in 1911 on march 25, which was the day of the Triangle Factory Fire, the workers had wasted most of their days working in the factory for very little pay. Now a days, the factory workers still go through the same conditions just like back then. There should be a stop to this. Sweatshops were made to make manufacturing easier and faster for people to get the materials that they needed in a short amount of time. Now that there are many immigrants in the U.S factory owners are taking advantage of them by opening up sweatshops and making them work for very long hours for very little pay. It's cruel!!!!!! I find that wrong because immigrants came to the U.S for a better life for themselves and their families. Just because they opened back up sweatshops for immigrants to work doesn't mean they can take advantage of them by making them work for so little money. That's very rude and mean of those factory owners. People who agree with me would stand up and fight for the rights of immigrants to never work in sweatshops ever again! If you need any further information click on the following link below for more information:
The person in charge should change the way people look at others because if a citizen were to look like an immigrant they shouldn't put that person to work in a factory. we must protect and respect each other. After all the United States is a country of immigrants. If no one would want to work in a factory for very little money then they should shut down the sweatshops for good!
Thank You for your Consideration.
Bronx Office
788 Southern Boulevard
Bronx, NY 10455
Dear Congressman Serrano,
I would like to say that there should be something done about the poor working conditions of factory workers in the U.S. The reason why is because back in 1911 on march 25, which was the day of the Triangle Factory Fire, the workers had wasted most of their days working in the factory for very little pay. Now a days, the factory workers still go through the same conditions just like back then. There should be a stop to this. Sweatshops were made to make manufacturing easier and faster for people to get the materials that they needed in a short amount of time. Now that there are many immigrants in the U.S factory owners are taking advantage of them by opening up sweatshops and making them work for very long hours for very little pay. It's cruel!!!!!! I find that wrong because immigrants came to the U.S for a better life for themselves and their families. Just because they opened back up sweatshops for immigrants to work doesn't mean they can take advantage of them by making them work for so little money. That's very rude and mean of those factory owners. People who agree with me would stand up and fight for the rights of immigrants to never work in sweatshops ever again! If you need any further information click on the following link below for more information:
The person in charge should change the way people look at others because if a citizen were to look like an immigrant they shouldn't put that person to work in a factory. we must protect and respect each other. After all the United States is a country of immigrants. If no one would want to work in a factory for very little money then they should shut down the sweatshops for good!
Thank You for your Consideration.

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Poetry & Working Conditons

The poem,"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou talks about people who are oppressed and how they can't escape for that they feel like birds stuck inside cages and will never be set free. The bird in the poem sings for freedom. The theme of the poem is freedom.
The poem is related to the Triangle Factory because the workers were working there with no way to escape from the fire that broke out. They had worked hard and what did they get, a one way ticket sentence to death and the person who owned the factory did nothing but lock doors to avoid theft. They also felt like caged birds because they spent most their days working the factory for very little pay.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Values and Working Conditions

Two activists are Cezar Chavez and Nelson Mandela. The values of Cezar Chavez are that he was a Labor Leader and Civil Rights activist. The value of Nelson Mandela is that he was elected as a full representative democrat. Their values are connected to my values because they worked very hard to get to where they had gotten to. Nelson Mandela helped with the democrat election. While Cezar Chavez helped with the civil rights movement. Also, right now I am trying to become either a singer or an attorney. But in order to do so I have to work hard and focus on my studies. If I am not able to become either an attorney or a singer I will have to find a job. I believe that it is my destiny to become an attorney or a singer.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Factory Workers Then and Now

The important circumstances that affected employees at Nike and at the Triangle factory are that in the Triangle factory the workers were going through very bad labor conditions and also there were many injuries and deaths because of the machines that the people were handling. The employees at the Nike factory did not suffer as many injuries and deaths, However, they were paid very little money. I say that the workers at the Triangle factory were working under many harsh conditions. As a result, there was sickness and injuries.
I can compare the circumstances of the employees at Nike to the employees at the Triangle factory because the employees at Nike work just as hard as the employees at the Triangle factory but at Nike, they don't have any deaths or as many injuries as there was in the Triangle factory.
My opinion upon regarding the situation is that at the Triangle factory the workers went through very hard times at the factory but at Nike it is different because the Nike workers had work that was very easy for them to do. The Triangle factory workers had harder jobs to do. Also they had longer work hours.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Movie Critique "Glory Road"
Other groups that faced discrimination were immigrants.
I think that sports did contribute to the Civil Rights movement because back then they wouldn't let African-Americans would want to play sports but they weren't allowed because of their skin color and their race. They would always find ways to play the sports they wanted to play.
An appropriate theme for this movie would be, "No matter the color of your skin or the clothes that you wear, you are still human."
A book with a similar theme would be The Color Purple.
I think the movie was kind of cool but yet boring at the same time. I say that because the only part that was cool was when they played games and the rest of the movie was boring.
I think that sports did contribute to the Civil Rights movement because back then they wouldn't let African-Americans would want to play sports but they weren't allowed because of their skin color and their race. They would always find ways to play the sports they wanted to play.
An appropriate theme for this movie would be, "No matter the color of your skin or the clothes that you wear, you are still human."
A book with a similar theme would be The Color Purple.
I think the movie was kind of cool but yet boring at the same time. I say that because the only part that was cool was when they played games and the rest of the movie was boring.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Story Themes

The theme to my story was, " Isolation." The reason why I believe that is the theme to my story is because I felt alone in the world when my father was gone. I felt that there would be no one to get me out of that little corner except for my father. When I was searching for my father, I felt that he had left forever and to never return. Part of me wanted to cry while the other wanted to keep on looking for him. He was gone and there was nothing I could do to make him come back. I felt helpless, useless, and a doll that just standing still on a shelf with no one to get me down and play with me.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Short Story Theme
The theme to my short story,"The Leaving Of My Father -.-," is, " Those that cannot stand each other must separate and give each other time to think." I say that is the theme to my short story because in my short story it of how my mother and father separated and how much they couldn't stand each other any longer. They decided that it would be the best for my twin sister and I. That day to me, was a very sad day because my father wouldn't be with me everyday of the week. I only get to see him whenever he isn't busy.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Beautiful Beginning

Have you ever had questions of why someone did something to that person? Well, you're not the only one. I have been through the same thing many times before. In this story, I will be talking about how my mother and father had split up and left me with no say. Throughout the story many things will unravel and show a new side to my father. Also you will be able to feel the same way I felt on that day. As you read you will be asking the same questions that I had asked myself before and the answer will be in there too.
The type of introduction my short story has is one that starts with a question and some details that might come up in the story. The intended audience that would be interested in my short story is the audience of teenagers and preteens.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Title of Poem

My interpretation on "Love For This Book" by Pablo Neruda is that it is about how Pablo wishes that one day that he would be able to see how it would be like if everyone had wealth put upon them so that way they could be able to buy what it is that they need for their families. The poem relates to an experience of Pablo's life because he wrote this poem after his experience when he went back to Chile in 1943 when he was elected senate he had thought that he would have everything that he needed,then kicked off and had left somewhere. If Pablo Neruda were living to this very day, everyone around the world would be more interested in the next poems that he would have written. The poetic devices that are being used in the poem are metaphors, and repetition. In the poem, he repeats, "What do we leave" two times. The metaphor that is being used in the poem is "what do we leave but the lost cry of the seabird.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Relating to I Too, Sing America

I can relate to one of Langston Hughes' poems because in the poem," Mother to Son," life back then wasn't as easy as others thought it would be. People that have been through a horrible life back then know what it is that Langston Hughes is talking about when he said, "life ain't been no crystal stair." People can be able to understand what it is that he talks about in each of his poems. For example,"Tomorrow, I'll be at the table When company comes. Nobody'll dare Say to me, "Eat in the kitchen," which meant that in the future they will have freedom.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Poetry Response 2

I can relate to the poem " Still I Rise", By Maya Angelou because I have asked myself the same questions that are in the poem. I can understand what it is that poet is trying to so because of the questions that are in the poem. In the poem, one question that caught my eye was ,"Does my sadness upset you?" The reason why that question had caught my eye was because I remembered someone asking me that question many times. I remember that I would always ask them many different questions, kind of like the ones that are in the poems. They would all get very happy whenever I had asked those questions although I don't know why?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Friend and Lover Theme

The theme to my poem, Friend and Lover is that when you need help they will always be there for you no matter what. Just like my friends they are always there for me and always help me whenever I'm down or when I have to get something off of my chest. They are the ones that I can always turn to every time. My friends are the best I could ever have.
Poetry Theme

In the poem," Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou, the theme is try try and try again until you succeed.
The reason why I say that is the theme because the poem is saying many things there that can be understood by girls that ask these kinds of questions. I can relate to this theme because whenever I want to try something and I fail, all I do is try try and try again until I get it right.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Poetry Response to "I Know Why A Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou

I can infer that the poet understands how some people feel when they are trapped inside and have absolutely no freedom!
The word that best describes how the poet feels sad. I say that the word to describe the poet is sad because maybe she may have had a time when that have happened to her. The line from the poem,"The caged bird with a fearful thrill," shows that the person that she might be talking about is that the person can see other people having fun outside while he/she is stuck inside. The message of the poem is, "Freedom is better than being stuck doing other things." I can connect with the poem because my friend had an experience like that before when her mother wouldn't let her go anywhere and kept her in her house taking care of her little sisters.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Character to Person Connection

I can make a connection between Ellen and I from the book,"Edgar & Ellen, Pet's Revenge." Ellen and I are kind of the same because in the book Ellen has to take care of their pet named Pet. In my house I am left taking care of my pets while everyone else in the house does absolutely nothing.
In the story, Edgar goes to a lab to look for something called ''Balm''. Ellen goes to a greenhouse and then she ends up talking to a man-eating plant. Then she had gotten mad at her brother Edgar and they started to fight.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Booker T Washington v.s W.E.B Debuis

Booker T Washington and W.E.B Debuis were arguing on strategies for black social and economic progress. W.E.B wanted them to either develop a new skill or go to school. While Booker T wanted all African Americans to be set free from the caucasian race and do whatever it is that they desire. Booker T and W.E.B Debuis had a very strong argument but they both wanted their own plans to happen instead of their opponents plans. Booker T made a plan that some how he would be able to give all African Americans liberty(freedom) so that way they can be very happy with the lives that they can start their own way.
W.E.B Debuis wanted all African Americans to either develop a new skill or go to school. Even if what W.E.B wanted came true, the African Americans would have no choice but to do what he says. Their opposing philosophies can be found in much of today's discussions over how to end class and racial injustice, what is the role of black leadership, and what do the 'haves' owe the 'have-nots' in the black community.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Poetry vs. Prose

The article was boring and was easy to read. The article was about the Birmingham March. Many African Americans wanted to be free of the caucasian race. They wanted to be able to do what they felt like doing without being told what not to do it.
Caption: ( This photo represents how boring the article was) -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.-
The poem was easier to understand because it had rhyming and was more interesting. The poem caught my attention more because it had rhyming and as a child I can relate to how a mother would react.
The poem was more interesting than the article because the first stanza was what had gotten my attention and the rhyming got me even more interested. The article had gotten me bored while I was reading it. The poem has more of a rhythm to it which gets a reader's attention.
In the poem of Booker T and W.E.B, they were arguing about what all African Americans should do, either go to school or develop a new skill. Booker T wants the African Americans to have freedom while W.E.B wants them to do the opposite of what Booker T wants. Booker T and W.E.B both hoped that their plans would work. But Booker T wants them to do what ever they want while W.E.B wants them to listen and do as they are told.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Reflecting Upon The Test

To me the E.L.A exam was easy but then again it was hard. The third book was very easy. Book 2 was harder because I had to take notes and I didn't get to write down enough notes. Book 3 was easy because I had the story and it was easier for me to take notes. Book 1 was easy because it was multiple choice and multiple choice is very easy. I really hope that I pass the exam with a 3 or a 4.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Test Expectations

The expectations of taking an ELA state exam:
1. Address key elements of the text
2. Thorough interpretation
3. Make connections beyond the text
In order to answer the extended response all you have to do is use the expectations that have been listed above. When addressing the key elements of the text search for important details and points within the text. Thorough interpretation means to explain everything thoroughly when answering each bullet point.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Graphic Organizer about Adam Grimm

The information that I used to answer the graphic organizer is: 1. What Adam's father had told Adam to do during the summer when he got into high school, 2. The stamp competitions that Adam had entered in, 3. How Adam had gotten better at his paintings and drawings of waterfowl, 4. How Adam was able to win the F.D.A.S contest at the age of 21.
Annotating helped me take notes because it is easier to do then taking notes the old fashioned way. Annotating was easier because unlike book 2, in book 3 I had the passage and I could be able to read the passage on my own and puts my notes in the margins. Also, I could look back at my notes and makes it easier to get extra notes that I may have missed before when I was taking my notes.
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