In A Child Called It, I can relate to David because at home my mother makes me do chores or else I don't get the prize that I am hoping that I get one of these days. When David's mother makes David do chores around the house in order for him to eat something. But his mother has now made a new game, he only has two minutes to eat but she keeps taking it away from him and says, "Too late." and David get very angry. His mother plays with David by taking away his food after like about three seconds but then his mother played the game and David hurried and shoved all of the bits of food into his mouth and his mother said, " You eat like a pig." While David said in his mind,"Fuck you! Say what you want! I got food!" I f I were David I would do the same thing he did before. But since it is now summer I could just say that I am going to a friend's house and instead go to a store and steal some food like chips, ice cream , and some soda. Also I would at least try to escape from that house. If I couldn't be able to escape then I would try to get out through the front door when everyone is sleeping and when I get as far away from that house as possible and find a new place to live possibly in a shelter or an orphanage home.
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