Friday, January 30, 2009

Character to Person Connection

I can make a connection between Ellen and I from the book,"Edgar & Ellen, Pet's Revenge." Ellen and I are kind of the same because in the book Ellen has to take care of their pet named Pet. In my house I am left taking care of my pets while everyone else in the house does absolutely nothing.
In the story, Edgar goes to a lab to look for something called ''Balm''. Ellen goes to a greenhouse and then she ends up talking to a man-eating plant. Then she had gotten mad at her brother Edgar and they started to fight.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Booker T Washington v.s W.E.B Debuis

Booker T Washington and W.E.B Debuis were arguing on strategies for black social and economic progress. W.E.B wanted them to either develop a new skill or go to school. While Booker T wanted all African Americans to be set free from the caucasian race and do whatever it is that they desire. Booker T and W.E.B Debuis had a very strong argument but they both wanted their own plans to happen instead of their opponents plans. Booker T made a plan that some how he would be able to give all African Americans liberty(freedom) so that way they can be very happy with the lives that they can start their own way.
W.E.B Debuis wanted all African Americans to either develop a new skill or go to school. Even if what W.E.B wanted came true, the African Americans would have no choice but to do what he says. Their opposing philosophies can be found in much of today's discussions over how to end class and racial injustice, what is the role of black leadership, and what do the 'haves' owe the 'have-nots' in the black community.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Poetry vs. Prose

The article was boring and was easy to read. The article was about the Birmingham March. Many African Americans wanted to be free of the caucasian race. They wanted to be able to do what they felt like doing without being told what not to do it.
Caption: ( This photo represents how boring the article was) -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.-

The poem was easier to understand because it had rhyming and was more interesting. The poem caught my attention more because it had rhyming and as a child I can relate to how a mother would react.

The poem was more interesting than the article because the first stanza was what had gotten my attention and the rhyming got me even more interested. The article had gotten me bored while I was reading it. The poem has more of a rhythm to it which gets a reader's attention.

In the poem of Booker T and W.E.B, they were arguing about what all African Americans should do, either go to school or develop a new skill. Booker T wants the African Americans to have freedom while W.E.B wants them to do the opposite of what Booker T wants. Booker T and W.E.B both hoped that their plans would work. But Booker T wants them to do what ever they want while W.E.B wants them to listen and do as they are told.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Reflecting Upon The Test

To me the E.L.A exam was easy but then again it was hard. The third book was very easy. Book 2 was harder because I had to take notes and I didn't get to write down enough notes. Book 3 was easy because I had the story and it was easier for me to take notes. Book 1 was easy because it was multiple choice and multiple choice is very easy. I really hope that I pass the exam with a 3 or a 4.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Test Expectations

The expectations of taking an ELA state exam:
1. Address key elements of the text
2. Thorough interpretation
3. Make connections beyond the text
In order to answer the extended response all you have to do is use the expectations that have been listed above. When addressing the key elements of the text search for important details and points within the text. Thorough interpretation means to explain everything thoroughly when answering each bullet point. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Graphic Organizer about Adam Grimm

The information that I used to answer the graphic organizer is: 1. What Adam's father had told Adam to do during the summer when he got into high school, 2. The stamp competitions that Adam had entered in, 3. How Adam had gotten better at his paintings and drawings of waterfowl, 4. How Adam was able to win the F.D.A.S contest at the age of 21.

Annotating helped me take notes because it is easier to do then taking notes the old fashioned way. Annotating was easier because unlike book 2, in book 3 I had the passage and I could be able to read the passage on my own and puts my notes in the margins. Also, I could look back at my notes and makes it easier to get extra notes that I may have missed before when I was taking my notes.